My Wish

When I heard that I had cancer I felt scared. My dad asked what I wanted to do when all of this was done, so I would feel better. I said, “I want to go somewhere geological. ” and I was thinking and I shouted out “HAWAII!!!!!” When Make-A-Wish called us, I already knew what I wanted.
It was soooo fun at Make-A-Wish! It looked like a normal office building but inside it was cool. There were pictures of people’s wishes on the wall and there was this room with pretend candies on the wall and I got to have my picture taken on the wish chair, which looked like a king’s chair. There were lots of stars on the walls and I got to put one on there and I signed my name on the wall where every other kid that had their wish got to sign it.
We went and sat in the wish room. I ate some food and I told them what my wish was. It was zip lining in Hawaii and having an geologist take us on a rock hunt and having him take us to a lava flow and going snorkeling, playing on the beach, going to Pearl Harbor. And I said I could be in a news paper and on TV and stuff like that.
I’m gonna get to go to Hawaii when I’m feeling a lot better and I’ve recovered from taking my port out.
They were really friendly. They gave me a gift card to Chipoltle and they gave us the tickets to go to the Bronco’s game which was really really really really really really really really really really really really fun!
They are called Wish Granters. My Wish granter’s name is Hadley. She’s really nice.
So bye! I’ll see you in my next post. I hope you have a fun night. And be aware of the phantom ghost.
Thank you for all, all your really nice comments!!!!!!

After the Tumor

I had another surgery to put in a “Aphoresis Line”. An Aphoresis line is a central line that goes in my chest to my neck and then to my heart so I can get blood and medicines and take blood for testing. I don’t have to have IV’s. IVs really, really hurt when they get put in. After I had it put in, my throat hurt when I swallowed. After a few days I felt better.

After the line was put in I had to start Chemo. Chemo made me sick on the second day. I was barfing every 20 minutes. It was pretty bad. But it was high dose chemo, and they are going to start low dose chemo next, and that won’t be as bad so I probably won’t barf.

I’ll have to go to radiation after chemo every day. Today I had to have my mask fitted on me. I had to have a mask because I couldn’t move, I have to be in the exact place for the radiation to CRUSH the cancer. They had to put markings on my stomach and sides with permanent markers because they had to have the laser lined up in the same place it was the first time, every time. And when I had my mask fitted, it was really sticky when they put it on. It might not be too fun because I’ll have to be in the room alone. It’s gonna be fun ’cause I’ll get to jam to some tunes. It only goes for 5 minutes which isn’t enough to listen to 2 songs.

I have to have a growth hormone every night at home this week that makes my stem cells grow. Stem cells are cells that can turn into any good cell, and there is a pump that gives me a medicine to make them grow. Then they are gonna take out my stem cells and then give them back to me when I’m done with chemo and radiation, cause the radiation and chemo might kill some good cells.

Cancer treatment is going to be like seven weeks. I thought it was gonna be not so fun cause I thought I’ll probably barf a lot. But the Nurse Practitioner and Nurse were talking about how to give me the right medicines for the right job to not make me barf more. I’ll tell you how I feel when I do it. But not right now. I gotta go play with Noni.

My Tumor’s Out!!!!!

I got to go home and my tumor is successfully out. I’m having fun playing at home. I don’t get dizzy or have headaches or have head tilt because the brain swelling is gone.

It was really fun in the hospital, I got too many toys :O woah. Everyone was really nice. I had to get up at 10 at night and 12 at night and 5 in the morning for medicines. My brain surgery wasn’t too bad. I thought it would be worse it was really scary for me because it is in the main part of my body, the brain.

I’m having fun playing with my cat, she can be a little rough sometimes.

I try to stay away for germs so I don’t get sick. This kind of tumor is called Medullablastoma but we want to know what type of Medullablastoma it is. It is a type of cancer. I’m going to need a treatment called chemotherapy and I’m going to have to have radiation to blast the bad cells away.

Thank you everyone for all your good love.
