My whole week

Last week I was having really bad headaches and thats why we went to the Doctor’s on Friday. I had a head tilt and my appetite was going down and I was really really tired after school. The doctor said we had to go and get an MRI at Children’s Hospital.

My dad took me to the hospital so we could get an MRI. Then we figured out that there is a tumor in my head and they had me stay in the hospital overnight until I felt better. The tumor is in my Posterior Fossa. I had a head tilt because of the tumor that was causing swelling in my brain and it was causing my head tilt and it was pressing on my 4th ventricle. Now I take medicines to make my swelling go down. It made my head tilt and headaches mostly go away. I got to come home ’til I have my surgery.

I’m going to have a surgery on Wednesday to take out the tumor. Probably i’m not going to be in school for a week because I’m going to need to recover.

5 thoughts on “My whole week

  1. Note from Cade’s Dad:
    Like the rest of his blog, Cade chose to dictate this whole post himself, and wanted to share some things about his weekend, and keep other things private. He also wanted to have links to some of the more technical terms that he used so his readers could learn them, I only provided the typing and link code.
    He loves to read and reply to your comments, so thank you readers for following and checking in!

    • Cade, thank you for your update! I will be interested to read more in the links you placed.
      I hope to see you tomorrow or Wednesday because I have something to give you!! Please keep me updated and know that I am praying for you and your dad! I love you
      Auntie Kerstin

  2. Cade, You are such a brave dude!..I wouldn’t be as brave as you are and Im almost as old as your grandpa. When you wake up after your surgery on Wednesday Im sure you will have some pretty cool things in your room….Stuart

  3. This blog is so cool, Cade! I’m going to read every single post! Its nice to have an update directly from you, because I know that you notice many things and ask lots of questions. I gave miss Cathy and Papa something special that I made for you (and I have a matching one), so you can look at it and remember that I’m thinking about you and that I love you! Thanks for keeping us updated, you rock!
    Love you, Jeni

  4. Hi Cade! Love your blog…what a great idea. Thanks for explaining so well why you weren’t feeling so good. I’m very glad the doctor’s discovered the tumor and are going to remove it right away. And it’s awesome that the medicine you took helped you to feel better. I have a brain tumor, too. It’s called a Prolactinoma but surgery will not fix it so I take medicine twice a week to keep it from getting bigger. Every three years I get an MRI done to check on it. When you recover, maybe we can go on another nature hike at the Audubon Center. I’ll be thinking of you on Wednesday and am sending lots of love your way!!

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