Home for two and a half days

I got to go home Sunday because my head didn’t hurt and my head wasn’t tilted. We went to the children’s museum! We made rockets and tested them.
Yesterday we got to go to the USGS and see tons of rocks and rock cores in the rock core lab. The geologist there let me take some rocks home! I also built Legos.
Today I played minecraft.

I’m going to have surgery tomorrow, and I’m not excited at all because I won’t be able to eat! But I am glad to get this thing out!
We can have visitors but make sure it’s after the surgery.

My whole week

Last week I was having really bad headaches and thats why we went to the Doctor’s on Friday. I had a head tilt and my appetite was going down and I was really really tired after school. The doctor said we had to go and get an MRI at Children’s Hospital.

My dad took me to the hospital so we could get an MRI. Then we figured out that there is a tumor in my head and they had me stay in the hospital overnight until I felt better. The tumor is in my Posterior Fossa. I had a head tilt because of the tumor that was causing swelling in my brain and it was causing my head tilt and it was pressing on my 4th ventricle. Now I take medicines to make my swelling go down. It made my head tilt and headaches mostly go away. I got to come home ’til I have my surgery.

I’m going to have a surgery on Wednesday to take out the tumor. Probably i’m not going to be in school for a week because I’m going to need to recover.

What I did today

I had fun at the 3-d printing store. We got to see how the 3-d printer worked. There was lots of things that were 3-d printed. Sometimes I wonder if they can 3-d print a lego piece.

I really want a 3-d printed rocket. My dad and I are going to try and get one by looking up the plans and having them print us a rocket.